Funeraria Carrillo

Funeral home in Puerto de la Cruz, Santa Cruz de Tenerife

About Us

The funeral home in Puerto de la Cruz, Funeraria Carrillo, is a pioneer in the provision of a comprehensive and private funeral service in Puerto de la Cruz. With a century of history, the son of the founder Santiago Carrillo Acosta, Tomás Carrillo Pérez, made it a benchmark in its sector during the 50 years he directed it. Currently, Salvador Rodríguez de la Rosa, also known as Boro, is the manager who has adapted the funeral home to the new social scenario, modernizing its image and benefits.

Do you need a comprehensive funeral service?

We offer a comprehensive funeral service. We want to facilitate all the efforts during the duel. We offer the assistance of professionals at home and hospitals, we have a fleet of Mercedes Benz vehicles, we have burial and cremation services and we have obituaries, tombstones, crowns, reminders and other funerary elements. In addition, we care about the emotional well-being of our clients Offering psychological help. Contact if you want more information.


Comprehensive funeral service
Psychological help
Large fleet of vehicles
Contact us

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